

  • 2024/06/30
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◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ グロービッシュの 「3分で英語ニュースを読む」 Vol.110 ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ How are you doing? Let’s start Globish together! 今日は、約半年後に迫る米大統領選挙の背景について、 読み解きましょう。 設問は:What does the author think there will be happening if they don’t have a free and fair election? 【英文】 Election denial The U.S.held a free and fair election in 2020 to decide its next president. Joe Biden won and Donald Trump lost. But Trump has spent almost four years denying that fact. His refusal to accept defeat has spread to his entire party and is a sign that he controls it. The Republican party is now the Trump Party, and it has followed him into a rabbit hole of con- spiracy thinking and election denial. He blamed the 2020 result on election fraud and voter fraud. Conservative media outlets helped fill in thee details. They talked for months about hacked election machines and people voting illegally. While voter fraud does happen, it’s extremely rare 、 so rare that it could not have changed the result of the 2020 presidential election. After Election Day, the Trump campaign and other parties filed 62 lawsuits trying to overturn the election results. Election experts said the suits were made in “bad faith.” In the end, they were all dismissed. and investigations in state after state failed to show any evidence that election machines favored Biden. In a last-ditch effort to stay in the White House,Trump incited a riot at the U.S.Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. Trump’s advisers had told him that his


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  • 『3分で英語ニュースを読む』
  • 巷には英文解釈の基礎という参考書が溢れていますが、どれをとっても分からないと言う子ども達。分からないまま大人になってしまう。それならば、初中級者でも、分かる英文、いたって単純で、平易な英語で時事問題を扱い、メルマガを認めればいいのではという考えが、これを配信するきっかけとなりました。初中級者の皆さんが、大学の英語、英字新聞の基礎的な英語まで理解できるようにしたい、というのが主眼です。今は情報収集できる英文が豊富に入手できます。英字新聞からインターネットの世界まで広げ、世界を繋ぐグロービッシュ(=グローバルイングリッシュ)の英語を、あなたも自分のモノにしてください。
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